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FreeRTOS系列[三]源代码分析 list


##链表是什么? 链表是一种物理存储单元上非连续、非顺序的存储结构,数据元素的逻辑顺序是通过链表中的指针链接次序实现的。链表由一系列结点(链表中每一个元素称为结点)组成,结点可以在运行时动态生成。每个结点包括两个部分:一个是存储数据元素的数据域,另一个是存储下一个结点地址的指针域。 相比于线性表顺序结构,链表比较方便插入和删除操作。




 * Definition of the only type of object that a list can contain.
struct xLIST_ITEM
	configLIST_VOLATILE portTickType xItemValue;	/*< The value being listed.  In most cases this is used to sort the list in descending order. */
	struct xLIST_ITEM * configLIST_VOLATILE pxNext;	/*< 指向链表中下一个元素的指针. */
	struct xLIST_ITEM * configLIST_VOLATILE pxPrevious;/*< 指向链表中上一个元素的指针. */
	void * pvOwner;									/*< 指向链表元素(一般是任务控制块(TCB))的指针.  There is therefore a two way link between the object containing the list item and the list item itself. */
	void * configLIST_VOLATILE pvContainer;			/*< 指向存储元素的链表的指针. */
typedef struct xLIST_ITEM xListItem;				/* For some reason lint wants this as two separate definitions. */

	configLIST_VOLATILE portTickType xItemValue;
	struct xLIST_ITEM * configLIST_VOLATILE pxNext;
	struct xLIST_ITEM * configLIST_VOLATILE pxPrevious;
typedef struct xMINI_LIST_ITEM xMiniListItem;

 * Definition of the type of queue used by the scheduler.
typedef struct xLIST
	configLIST_VOLATILE unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxNumberOfItems;
	xListItem * configLIST_VOLATILE pxIndex;		/*< Used to walk through the list.  Points to the last item returned by a call to pvListGetOwnerOfNextEntry (). */
	xMiniListItem xListEnd;							/*< List item that contains the maximum possible item value meaning it is always at the end of the list and is therefore used as a marker. */
} xList;


 * Access function to obtain the owner of the next entry in a list.
 * The list member pxIndex is used to walk through a list.  Calling
 * listGET_OWNER_OF_NEXT_ENTRY increments pxIndex to the next item in the list
 * and returns that entries pxOwner parameter.  Using multiple calls to this
 * function it is therefore possible to move through every item contained in
 * a list.
 * The pxOwner parameter of a list item is a pointer to the object that owns
 * the list item.  In the scheduler this is normally a task control block.
 * The pxOwner parameter effectively creates a two way link between the list
 * item and its owner.
 * @param pxList The list from which the next item owner is to be returned.
 * \ingroup LinkedList
#define listGET_OWNER_OF_NEXT_ENTRY( pxTCB, pxList ) \
{	\
xList * const pxConstList = ( pxList );			\
	/* Increment the index to the next item and return the item, ensuring */\
	/* we don't return the marker used at the end of the list.  */	\
	( pxConstList )->pxIndex = ( pxConstList )->pxIndex->pxNext;	\
	if( ( void * ) ( pxConstList )->pxIndex == ( void * ) &( ( pxConstList )->xListEnd ) )	\
	{	    \
		( pxConstList )->pxIndex = ( pxConstList )->pxIndex->pxNext;	\
	}		\
	( pxTCB ) = ( pxConstList )->pxIndex->pvOwner;		\

是不是觉得这个宏定义看起来像一个函数呢? 却是用宏定义的方式写的,为什么要这么做呢? 这个应该是为了效率的因素。因为调用函数的时候,需要从目前的指令地址跳转到子函数的地址 执行,然后再跳回来,这个过程也是需要耗费指令时间的,如果直接将代码插入到需要执行的地 方,就不需要跳来跳去了。其实对于C++的使用者或者是C99的使用者,可以利用内联函数的方式 实现同样的功能,FreeRTOS之所以使用宏来实现估计是为了兼容老式的C语言编译器。


  1. 初始化链表。
  2. 插入链表元素
  3. 删除链表元素


上一篇: FreeRTOS系列[二]源代码分析 FreeRTOS.h
下一篇: FreeRTOS系列[四]源代码分析 task


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